Farmers in Hambantota conducted a vehicle parade today as a mark of protest.

The farmers were seen travelling on motorcycles and various vehicles from Sooriyawewa to Hambantota via Amabalantota. A group of farmers in Walsapugala, Sooriyawewa are currently engaged in a Satyagraha campaign for the 53rd consecutive day. They are engaged in the protest demanding the Proposed Wild Elephant Management Reserve in Hambantota to be included in the Government gazette and for it […]

Now, new road to hotel poses danger to ecologically sensitive Roomassala

By Ifham Nizam A 20-foot road is to be built shortly in a very environmentally sensitive location leading to a hotel which is also under construction, despite objections by officials, Environmental Scientist at the Centre for Environment Nature Studies (CENS), Dr Ravindra Kariywasam told The Island yesterday. Wildlife officials had objected to both the hotel and the road, but their […]

Pico Hydros make great damges

By Raveendra Kariyawasam A belief that ‘small’ hydropower systems are a source of clean energy with little or no environmental impact is driving a growing interest in mini, micro, and pico hydropower systems that can generate from less than 5 kilowatts up to 10 megawatts of energy. Hydropower may appear to be the cleanest and most versatile of renewable energy […]

Threatened biodiversity hotspot on the road to destruction

By Kamanthi wikaramasinghe Neluwa-Lankagama-Deniyaya Road construction via World Heritage Site nears completion sans EIA Environmentalists observe lack of consultation from technical experts SL Army says construction work done under the supervision of RDA Subject minister says EIA will be ready in three weeks The Neluwa-Lankagama-Deniyaya Road that is being built via the Sinharaja Forest Reserve – a UNESCO World Heritage […]

CENS and Green community of pollonaruwa were held a protest

CENS and Green community of pollonaruwa were held a protest in pollonnaruwa city against construction of Yakkure roada 02.12.2020. Villages and Environmentalist requested not to build any road trough forest. The Yakkaure is an environment sensitive area. But government just try to construct a road for improve tourism. This plan will destroy the bio diversity and animal a habitats of […]