About Us

About Us

The Centre for Environment and Nature Studies (CENS) was initiated in 1998 as an idea of the late environmentalist Piyal Parakrama.

Since 1998 it is operational in Sri Lanka as a leading NGO in the environmental front, spearheading many environmental activities and research.

In 1999 it launched a training course in environmental conservation and natural resources management. This course is conducted annually and has contributed immensely in disseminating environmental knowledge across the country.

Our organization which was in the forefront in the battles for the protection of the Eppawela phosphate mine, Protection of flora and fauna, Sinharaja rain forest – the world heritage site, and in defeating the Water Privatization Bill and the dubious Seed Act, is determined to do the same to the utmost with regard to such issues in the future as well.

Since 1998 we have been functioning voluntarily, independent of funds from any governmental or non-governmental organization.

Since its inception in 1998, Piyal Parakrama led this organization from the front as its Executive Director, till his untimely death in 2000. Since then Raveendra Kariyawasam has ably taken the reins.

We possess a network of strong activists who are scattered around the country.

At this juncture we analyze the environmental issues that affect the country from political and security perspectives in order pressurize the authorities to change them where necessary.

Our Vision

To harness the participation of the state and the public for environmental conservation through enhancing the knowledge on the environment

Our mission

To generate a healthy environment that centers upon environmental conservation, through research and awareness rising of the state and the public